Saturday, December 10, 2011

Quick and Easy Tablecloth Tutorial (Rectangular Table)

This is a very easy project, perfect for any beginner! It makes an excellent gift for Christmas, house warmings, etc.  It's the perfect thing for newlyweds like me...okay, okay, I'm not THAT's been over a year.

My Nana gave me two yards of Christmas fabric that she had stashed away for 6 years and said maybe I could make something with it. I loved the festive plaid print and I thought it would make a great Christmas tree skirt. I let it sit in my project pile for a few days and then Nana mentioned that she had measured the fabric and it was the same size as my table (light bulb!).

Since the fabric is the exact size as my table I really didn't have too much to work with. I could have bought coordinating fabric and made a ruffle or something to hang over the edge but that would require too much time and effort for me right now and I have a million other projects to took the lazy way out! Instead of adding fabric or hemming the fabric I bought bias tape and added it as trim to the table cloth (if I want to add a ruffle I can always do that some other time).

Here's what you'll need:
  • Measuring Tape
  • Bias Tape (Double Fold)
  • Matching thread or contrasting (your choice)
  • Pins
  • Fabric (measure your table and figure out how big you want your tablecloth)
  • Iron and Sewing Machine

Wash and iron your fabric

Trim uneven edges of fabric

Pin bias tape to the edge of the fabric (I recommend starting with one of the long side), be sure to put the shorter edge of the bias tape on the bottom of the fabric.  I suggest sewing one side at a time because you will have to fold the corners when the bias tape meets.

Once you have sewn down the first long side of the tablecloth you will have a little bias tape left over.  You can use the left over for one of the short sides however you will probably have to sew two pieces together to cover the short side.  If you don't like having two pieces instead of one then you can cut a piece that will fit perfectly (I used the left over to not waste the scraps). 

Pin and sew the other long side of the fabric.

Use your scraps or cut a new piece for one of your short ends.  Once you have pinned the bias tape to the edge of the fabric fold over 1/4" of the bias tape under itself at the corner to keep it from fraying.

Marvel at your work, you're done!

Wasn't that easy?  The most time consuming part for me was pinning everything, I was trying to keep the gold bias tape from fraying and snagging (metallic fabric is not forgiving).  

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