Friday, February 24, 2012

Sorry for the lack of posts, I've been very busy!

I friggin' love snow Mom!!!

This last week flew by for me and not all of it went the way I had envisioned.  Thursday night my brother had a college admissions interview at my house and Friday night our out of town friends arrived for a wedding.  Saturday the wedding lasted from noon until joke!  Sunday I cleaned up the house and packed for our trip to Tahoe on Monday.  Monday my husband woke up with BAD allergies so the whole family laid in bed for the morning.  Once we all got out of bed and ate, we packed up the car and left for Tahoe.  Tuesday my back was killing me but we all got dressed to play in the snow that was outside.  Wednesday we woke up early so I could clean the house and pack to go home.  Along the way we stopped in Old Sacramento to visit and get some exercise.   Thursday I was back at work and in the evening I went to my brother's school concert. 

All in all over the last week I finish two monsters, decorated 6 pom pom monsters and made another 5 pom pom monsters.  I also started my cross stitch project, which is the perfect activity to do while watching the baby play.  I put down my cross stitching to make dinner and my husband picked up where I left off and made a few stitches of his own.  He threw it back down as soon as dinner was ready (I think he's a closet crafter).

I'm dying to write another tutorial, so hopefully I'll be able to write one over the weekend.    Happy Friday!!!!

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